woman's natural hair

How to Transition from Relaxed to Natural Hair: Tips and Advice

A strong understanding of how to handle two different hair textures is essential while making the transition from relaxed to natural hair. The choice to accept your natural hair is liberating and can result in hair that is healthier and more bright. We'll give you essential hair care tips and advice on how to smoothly switch from relaxed to natural hair in this blog post. You may ease the transition process and attain gorgeous natural hair by adhering to these recommendations and developing a proper hair care regimen. Let's start now!

woman combing her hair

Transitioning Techniques and Tips

●    The Big Chop vs. Transitioning

The "Big Chop" entails shaving off all the relaxed hair and beginning with a short, natural hairdo. This procedure enables a quick switch to natural hair. While keeping and caring for the natural hair, transitioning entails progressively growing out the relaxed hair. Depending on your own preferences, hair length, and styling objectives, you should choose between the two techniques.

●    Protective Styling

Protective styles are essential throughout the transition phase for maintaining hair health and reducing breakage. Your delicate line of demarcation—where relaxed and natural hair converge—can be protected by styles like braids, twists, buns, and updos, which also encourage strong hair development. Make sure your hair is not tense or damaged by these styles being overly tight.

●    Moisture and Hydration

Both relaxed and natural hair need the right amount of hydration and moisture. However, because of its curly or coily nature, natural hair is frequently drier. To maintain moisture balance and avoid breakage, regular deep conditioning treatments, leave-in conditioners, and moisturizers are necessary. Look for hair care products that are especially designed for natural hair and contain natural oils and ingredients like aloe vera, shea butter, and coconut oil.

●    Avoiding Heat Styling

The use of heat styling appliances can weaken and damage hair strands. Reduce your use of blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons throughout the adjustment phase. To achieve gorgeous hairstyles without endangering the health of your hair, choose heat-free styling techniques like twist-outs, braid-outs, or roller sets.

●    Trimming and Dusting

For keeping healthy hair during the transition, routine cuts are crucial. Trim the loosened ends gradually to get rid of broken and split ends. Using the dusting technique, you can keep the length while removing damaged ends by merely cutting a tiny bit (often no more than a quarter inch).

●    Patience and Acceptance

In order to transition, you must have the patience to wait for your natural hair to grow out. Accept the trip and embrace the process. Recognize that your natural hair may differ from relaxed hair in terms of texture and pattern. Accept the distinctiveness of your hair and try out various looks and styling methods to see what suits you the best.

woman straight hair

Developing a Hair Care Routine

●    Cleansing and Conditioning

To clean your hair, use a sulfate-free shampoo or co-wash (conditioner wash). Gently massage the scalp and roots to eliminate debris and promote blood flow. Apply a hydrating conditioner next, paying special attention to the ends. To strengthen and hydrate your hair, deep condition once per week.

●    Detangling

Use a wide-toothed comb or your fingers to gently detangle your hair. To reduce breakage, begin at the ends and work your way up to the roots. To make the process simpler, use a conditioner or detangling spray.

●    Styling and Moisturizing

To keep your hair moisturized and hydrated, use a leave-in conditioner. Use natural oils to increase shine and seal in moisture, like as jojoba or argan. Try out several hairstyles that show off your natural texture while protecting your hair.

●    Regular Maintenance

To keep your hair healthy and to remove split ends, schedule frequent cuts. To keep your hair in top shape, go to a reputable hairstylist who is familiar with natural hair.

natural hair

Creating a hair care routine is essential for preserving hair health during the switch from relaxed to natural hair. To remove buildup and add moisture, the routine should include cleansing and conditioning using sulfate-free products.

To reduce breakage, detangling should be done carefully while utilizing wide-toothed combs, fingers, detangling conditioners, or sprays. Applying leave-in conditioners or moisturizers and sealing in moisture with natural oils constitute styling and moisturizing. Using satin or silk pillows, bonnets, or scarves to protect hair at night reduces friction and moisture loss. To prevent split ends, regular trims are required. Additionally, seeking the advice of a skilled hairstylist supports hair health during the transition.